Our Process evolved from the basic financial planning process of getting to know your client, doing your research and then making recommendations...in that order. People often want to jump to the solution. To us that is like going to the Doctor and asking for a prescription before even letting the Doctor examine you to see what is wrong - Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice! We always get asked "can you just show me what properties you have". The answer is we don't have lists of properties we are trying to sell. Inside Super is a bespoke property advice model. We are not trying to flog property. What we are trying to do is get a very clear understanding of what our client is trying to achieve, make enquiries to find out what capacity they have to achieve that goal by referring them to whatever specialists they need, developing the strategy, or solution to achieve it, doing all the research and due diligence on the asset that will deliver the outcome (in this case it is the property), explain what we are recommending and then provide support and reviews in the future to make sure the plan stays on track. Our 6 step process.
This process is designed to mitigate risk. We take a research driven, client centric approach to advising on property investments. We want to know what the risks are BEFORE a client makes an acquisition. That way we are in a position to make an informed decision.
Furthermore, by engaging independent specialists we are further reducing risk by removing conflicts of interest eg If the financial planner advises the client that they are not suitable for a SMSF we cannot proceed with a property recommendation, or if the finance broker recommends against borrowing in SMSF we do not proceed with a property strategy. And the biggest check and balance on what we do is the banks themselves...banks do their own due diligence on the property we recommend which includes, but is not limited to, a bank valuation.
So for these reasons we adhere to our process quite rigidly as it not only protects you, but us as well.
These 6 steps are outlined in more detail below.
Get started by clicking the link below to book a call back. On the call Andrew will listen to what you are wanting to achieve and discuss in further detail what steps you need to take to get started.It costs nothing, apart from your time, and will allow you to make an informed decision about this part of your investment strategy
We call our first meeting with a client a Discovery Meeting. The primary goal of this meeting is to gain an understanding of your needs, challenges, goals, and expectations.
We feel that this is one of the most important steps in our process because it is here that we have an opportunity to really get to know what you are looking to achieve, and explain exactly how we can help.
Sometimes we identify in this meeting that we cannot be of assistance, or that we may need to plan to start our process in the future. It is really important to understand that this IS NOT a sales meeting where we are making a sales pitch or closing a deal. That is not how we operate. The emphasis is on listening, asking questions, and gathering information.
To us this meeting is more than just a conversation. It’s the bridge between understanding your needs, providing a roadmap for any future work we do together and the start of the process behind creating tailored solutions.
A Discovery meeting will often end with the recording of your financial information and a discussion of a high level, conceptual investment strategy for further consideration.
Following on from the Discovery Meeting we start the process of analysing the financial data captured. The first step is often to engage with a Mortgage Broker to calculate what Borrowing Capacity you have. This is the first step in determining if the strategy of purchasing an investment property is suitable.
Most clients have borrowing capacity, but not everyone has sufficient borrowing capacity to purchase an Investment Grade Property. Where a client does not quite have the capacity we will work out a strategy to get them there. We are not in the business of simply helping people purchase a property for the sake if it: It has to be a property that will deliver results and we would prefer to advise clients to wait and work on building their financial position, than just investing in any old property.
Once it has been determined that. client has the requisite borrowing capacity we will request that the broker seek to gain a Finance Pre-Approval. This will formalise the borrowing capacity in preparation for Property Research and Acquisition. It also allows the Mortgage Broker to complete their compliance steps to determine client suitability for lending in general.
If the clients needs to arrange any structures, like a SMSF, We would refer them to the appropriate individual at this stage to also determine suitability and commence the set-up process.
While selecting the right property is undoubtedly important, even the best property held in the wrong structure or funded in the wrong way, could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the long term. We plan a property investment strategy helps you achieve your goals.
Note, that the Strategy Development will not be limited to looking at SMSF investments alone. Here we will canvas all potential investment strategies that meet with your goals and expectations as discussed in the Discovery Meeting.
We will then outline our advice to you in a comprehensive meeting. This includes but is not limited to the following:
Once we have properly educated you on our recommended Investment Strategy we will commence the process of sourcing suitable investment assets ie Property.
Property investment receives a lot of attention, with a record of historically strong returns and the peace of mind of “bricks and mortar”.
But most properties are, by definition, “average”. The difference between an average property and an outperforming property could be worth a significant sum over time.
We use data and research to identify outperforming property assets that will get you to your goals faster, easier and with more certainty. We study markets all over Australia to identify property growth drivers. Things such as population trends, demographics, economic drivers, employment opportunities, infrastructure projects and policies across all levels of Government, and most importantly the basic fundamental of "supply and demand".
Researching Property markets is all about understanding people, and where they want/need to live. We urge our clients to treat property as a financial instrument, not the bricks and mortar it is made up of. Focus on the numbers and remember that investing where there has already been growth is easy, but you are buying at the top of the market...finding future growth is where you make money.
The Property Research conducted will lead us to locations and ultimately individual properties that are suitable for the particular client. It is important to note here that each property is researched for each individual client: We do not have a list of properties that we are trying to sell.
When we present a property solution to a client it has been individually sourced, researched, stress tested and matched to that particular clients goals and needs. This is what we refer to as Bespoke Property Advice.
We will normally present property options to clients as a shortlist of what our research has discovered. These meetings are comprehensive and detailed. At the end of this meeting we will share our research and assist the client along the process of acquiring the property.
Note that at this stage, where finance is involved, we hand over the property (as part of a finance application) to the lender. This will involve the lender doing their own research and due diligence on the proeprty. It is a final check on all of the work we have done, because if the bank does not agree we will see that in their finance offer ie they will either decline to finance or value the property below contract price.
We can refer you to people in all areas that can help along the journey including:
If you already have advisors you work with, thats great. You are not required to use ours.
Once we have found you the property the service does not stop there. We are here to help you throughout the whole journey to meet you goals. When you have questions on tax, finance and property we are here to help.
Our preference is to form long term relationships with our clients. We are not in the business of simply processing proeprty transactions...set and forget strategies. Rather we want to develop long term relationships with our clients. This is one of the reasons Inside Super has been so successful: our clients refer their friends and family to us.
Click on the button below to book in a call to discuss this further and see what options you may have.
The information on the this website is factual information only and is not intended to be financial product advice, legal advice or tax advice, and should not be relied upon as such. The information is general in nature and may omit detail that could be significant to your particular circumstances. We recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice before making any financial decisions.
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